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Kick-off meeting

Couvent des Jacobins 20 Pl. Sainte-Anne, Rennes, France

The CARGO-ACT Kick Off meeting will take place in Rennes, France. Download the Agenda for the meeting

Stakeholder workshop

Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti di Matera Via San Rocco 1, Matera, Italy

The CARGO-ACT joint workshop with stakeholders and network coordinators will take place in Matera, Italy, in the House of Emerging Technologies (Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti di Matera). The CARGO-ACT project meeting will take place 30 minutes after the Stakeholder meeting, in Hotel San Domenico Al Piano, via Roma, 15 75100 Matera, to be held together […]

EarthCARE 2nd in-orbit validation workshop

ESRIN Largo Galileo Galilei, 1, Frascati, Italy

CARGO-ACT meeting will take place on Wednesday evening – Wed 19th March. Link to agenda will appear here