Cooperation and AgReements enhancing Global interOperability for Aerosol, Cloud and Trace gas research infrastructures

The specific objectives of CARGO-ACT are to:

  • develop sustainable partnerships and decision making processes with the relevant partner RIs;
  • demonstrate the benefits of converging interoperability and standards to stakeholders and the global research community;
  • establish the mechanisms for providing international access to distributed, global atmospheric RIs;
  • develop a roadmap for upscaling towards an integrated global research infrastructure for aerosol, cloud and trace gases.

CARGO-ACT, involving the European Research Infrastructure on short-lived Aerosol, Cloud and Trace Gases (ACTRIS) and three agencies in the US, is a first step towards a global Research Infrastructure, with actions that will
develop, strengthen and maintain the position of ACTRIS within the international landscape.

Project structure – Work Packages

Convergence in Operations

WP1: Data interoperability (Lead NILU, co-lead ORNL)

WP2: Specification and documentation of common operation procedures and
data quality methodologies (Lead TROPOS, co-lead INOE)

WP3: Pilot implementations demonstrating service integration (Lead CNRS, co-lead CIRES)

Strategy and sustainability

WP4: Strategy for coordinating governance, agreements and aligning global objectives (Lead CNR, co-lead NASA)

WP5: Strategy for enabling common access (Lead CNRS, co-lead PNNL)

WP6: Roadmap and strategic guidance for upscaling (Lead UHEL, co-lead PNNL)