
#Deliverable titleDue dateDelivery dateType
Work Package 1
1D 1.1 Initial version of DMP of data collected within CARGO-ACT6DMP
2D 1.2 Roadmap for convergence of FAIR Enabling Resources used in partner data infrastructures18Report
3D 1.3 Roadmap for integrating vocabularies across partner data infrastructures24Report
4D 1.4 Updated version of DMP of data collected within CARGO-ACT30Report
Work Package 2
5D 2.1 Identification of opportunities for harmonised calibration and operation practices and data production software6Report
6D 2.2 Agreement on common vocabulary for describing instrument traceability and calibration, quality assurance and quality control15Report
7D 2.3 Recommendations for common calibration and operation procedures16Report
8D 2.4 Recommendation for a common approach in measurement uncertainty estimation17Report
9D 2.5 Strategy plan for the harmonisation of a regional aerosol in-situ calibration centre in the US (CAMS) with the ACTRIS Central Facility for aerosol IS measurements17Report
10D 2.6 Implementation plan for harmonised lidar calibration services in Europe and in the US17Report
Work Package 3
11D 3.1 Report on cross-network IS data production compatibility32Report
12D 3.2 Report on cross-network IS traceability and calibration services32Report
13D 3.3 Report on cross-network RS traceability and calibration services32Report
14D 3.4 Roadmap for cross-network quality control services33Report
15D 3.5 Recommendations for developing current and new integrated multidecadal, multi-parameter datasets34Report
Work Package 4
16D 4.1 International memorandums of
understanding signed
17D 4.2 Research needs assessment mapped to CARGO-ACT capabilities, and remediation plan28Report
18D 4.3 CARGO-ACT site distribution strategy30Report
Work Package 5
19D 5.1 Report on common concept for access to global RIs 14Report
20D 5.2 Report on common policies and governance for access to global RIs 16Report
21D 5.3 Recommendations for
sustainable international access strategies to global RIs
Work Package 6
22D 6.1 Action and guidance plan36Report
23D 6.2 Roadmap for sustainability36Report
Work Package 7
24D 7.1 Ethics compliance in work performed outside EU3Report
25D 7.2 Initial communication, dissemination and exploitation plan6Report
26D 7.3 Initial policy briefing18Report
27D 7.4 Report and actions arising from CARGO-ACT community meetings during RP118Report
28D 7.5 Updated communication, dissemination and exploitation plan 24Report
29D 7.6 Report on the Associate Partnership Programme 30Report
30D 7.7 Report on CARGO-ACT carbon emissions and compensation actions35Report
31D 7.8 Updated policy briefing36Report
32D 7.9 Report and actions arising from CARGO-ACT community meetings during RP236Report


#Milestone titleDue dateDelivery dateType
1Landscape analysis of data FAIRness8Report
2Common standard for measuring data access10Report
3Workshop for disseminating roadmap towards convergence of FAIR Enabling Resources26Workshop
4Documentation of calibration, operation and processing4Report
5Joint workshop with network coordinators and international stakeholders9Workshop
6Joint workshop of lidar experts from US and EU (CARS) to discuss development of a US version of CARS11Workshop
7Training at the current calibration centres for dissemination of the harmonised procedures14Workshop
8Summer schools for aerosol IS and RS quality assurance practices and tools 18Summer school
9Training materials for calibration and operation procedures and estimation of measurement uncertainties for external users, new/existing stakeholders, other established
18Training materials
10Intercomparison results from campaigns evaluating IS aerosol data acquisition and production30Report
11Intercomparison results from testing and demonstrating the implementation of cross network lidar procedures and tools 30Report
12Joint workshop on needs, existing capabilities and the path forward for IS data QC 30Workshop
13Delivery of cross-network cloud profiling geophysical products26Products available
14International agreements draft circulated among partners 9Drafts circulated
15First annual report of CARGO-ACT membership on global bodies9Report
16Second annual report of CARGO-ACT membership on global bodies21Report
17Third annual report of CARGO-ACT membership on global bodies 33Report
18Strategic plan for enhancing CARGO-ACT membership on global bodies 23Report
19Report on existing access practices at participating EU and US RIs 8Report
20Report on existing legal and financial framework for access at participating EU and US RIs10Report
21Stakeholder workshop on access12Workshop
22Draft strategy plan for coordinating international access to global RIs13Report
23Internal project communication channels set up3Communication channels
24CARGO-ACT Kick-off meeting4Meeting
25CARGO-ACT 2nd year community meeting 24Meeting
26CARGO-ACT Final Meeting36Meeting
CARGO-ACT Kick-off Meeting, 17 May, Rennes, FranceAgenda – List of Participants – Action Items – Presentations